Emergency Preparedness
The Bullitt County Health Department’s Preparedness mission is to ensure that the community's health will be addressed if a large-scale emergency occurs. To accomplish this goal, all preparedness work functions involve:
Collaboration with internal and external partners to protect the health of the Bullitt County community in emergencies.
Establishing baseline response expectations and reporting mechanisms to assure response readiness.
Measuring and evaluating response and recovery effectiveness.
Assuring capacity to manage communication before, during, and after a health emergency.
Planning, implementing, and managing programs that include training and exercises to enhance the efforts of BCHD staff to respond in times of need.
Developing and managing systems to support the effective use of BCHD staff and health volunteers during emergencies.
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of more than 300,000 volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. MRC volunteers step up to keep their family, friends, and neighbors safe and healthy. Click the image above to learn more about our local MRC.
Smart911 is a free and secure app that lets you provide public safety with the information they need to help and communicate with you in an emergency. Click the image above to sign up to receive important messages and emergency alert notifications from the Bullitt County Emergency Management Authority.
CDC Severe Weather & Bioterrorism
Severe Weather